bigip_vcmp_guest - Manages vCMP guests on a BIG-IP

New in version 2.5.



The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • f5-sdk >= 3.0.16


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
(added in 2.7)
Contains those slots that the guest is allowed to be assigned to.
When the host determines which slots this guest should be assigned to, only slots in this list will be considered.
This is a good way to force guests to be assigned only to particular slots, or, by configuring disjoint allowed_slots on two guests, that those guests are never assigned to the same slot.
By default this list includes every available slot in the cluster. This means, by default, the guest may be assigned to any slot.
Specifies the number of cores that the system allocates to the guest.
Each core represents a portion of CPU and memory. Therefore, the amount of memory allocated per core is directly tied to the amount of CPU. This amount of memory varies per hardware platform type.
The number you can specify depends on the type of hardware you have.
In the event of a reboot, the system persists the guest to the same slot on which it ran prior to the reboot.
  • no ←
  • yes
When state is absent, will additionally delete the virtual disk associated with the vCMP guest. By default, this value is no.
Specifies the base software release ISO image file for installing the TMOS hypervisor instance and any licensed BIG-IP modules onto the guest's virtual disk. When creating a new guest, this parameter is required.
Specifies the IP address, and subnet or subnet mask that you use to access the guest when you want to manage a module running within the guest. This parameter is required if the mgmt_network parameter is bridged.
When creating a new guest, if you do not specify a network or network mask, a default of /24 ( will be assumed.
  • bridged
  • isolated
  • host only
Specifies the method by which the management address is used in the vCMP guest.
When bridged, specifies that the guest can communicate with the vCMP host's management network.
When isolated, specifies that the guest is isolated from the vCMP host's management network. In this case, the only way that a guest can communicate with the vCMP host is through the console port or through a self IP address on the guest that allows traffic through port 22.
When host only, prevents the guest from installing images and hotfixes other than those provided by the hypervisor.
If the guest setting is isolated or host only, the mgmt_address does not apply.
Concerning mode changing, changing bridged to isolated causes the vCMP host to remove all of the guest's management interfaces from its bridged management network. This immediately disconnects the guest's VMs from the physical management network. Changing isolated to bridged causes the vCMP host to dynamically add the guest's management interfaces to the bridged management network. This immediately connects all of the guest's VMs to the physical management network. Changing this property while the guest is in the configured or provisioned state has no immediate effect.
Specifies the gateway address for the mgmt_address.
If this value is not specified when creating a new guest, it is set to none.
The value none can be used during an update to remove this value.
(added in 2.7)
Specifies the minimum number of slots that the guest must be assigned to in order to deploy.
This field dictates the number of slots that the guest must be assigned to.
If at the end of any allocation attempt the guest is not assigned to at least this many slots, the attempt fails and the change that initiated it is reverted.
A guest's min_number_of_slots value cannot be greater than its number_of_slots.
The name of the vCMP guest to manage.
(added in 2.7)
Specifies the number of slots for the system to use for creating the guest.
This value dictates how many cores a guest is allocated from each slot that it is assigned to.
Possible values are dependent on the type of blades being used in this cluster.
The default value depends on the type of blades being used in this cluster.
partition Default:
Device partition to manage resources on.
The password for the user account used to connect to the BIG-IP.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_PASSWORD.

aliases: pass, pwd
(added in 2.5)
A dict object containing connection details.
Specifies the SSH keyfile to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. This argument is only used for cli transports.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE.
timeout Default:
Specifies the timeout in seconds for communicating with the network device for either connecting or sending commands. If the timeout is exceeded before the operation is completed, the module will error.
The BIG-IP host.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_SERVER.
The username to connect to the BIG-IP with. This user must have administrative privileges on the device.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_USER.
server_port Default:
The BIG-IP server port.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_SERVER_PORT.
The password for the user account used to connect to the BIG-IP.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_PASSWORD.

aliases: pass, pwd
  • no
  • yes ←
If no, SSL certificates are not validated. Use this only on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_VALIDATE_CERTS.
  • rest
  • cli ←
Configures the transport connection to use when connecting to the remote device.
The BIG-IP host.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_SERVER.
(added in 2.2)
The BIG-IP server port.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_SERVER_PORT.
  • configured
  • disabled
  • provisioned
  • present ←
  • absent
The state of the vCMP guest on the system. Each state implies the actions of all states before it.
When configured, guarantees that the vCMP guest exists with the provided attributes. Additionally, ensures that the vCMP guest is turned off.
When disabled, behaves the same as configured the name of this state is just a convenience for the user that is more understandable.
When provisioned, will ensure that the guest is created and installed. This state will not start the guest; use deployed for that. This state is one step beyond present as present will not install the guest; only setup the configuration for it to be installed.
When present, ensures the guest is properly provisioned and starts the guest so that it is in a running state.
When absent, removes the vCMP from the system.
The username to connect to the BIG-IP with. This user must have administrative privileges on the device.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_USER.

(added in 2.0)
  • no
  • yes ←
If no, SSL certificates are not validated. Use this only on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates.
You may omit this option by setting the environment variable F5_VALIDATE_CERTS.
VLANs that the guest uses to communicate with other guests, the host, and with the external network. The available VLANs in the list are those that are currently configured on the vCMP host.
The order of these VLANs is not important; in fact, it's ignored. This module will order the VLANs for you automatically. Therefore, if you deliberately re-order them in subsequent tasks, you will find that this module will not register a change.



  • This module can take a lot of time to deploy vCMP guests. This is an intrinsic limitation of the vCMP system because it is booting real VMs on the BIG-IP device. This boot time is very similar in length to the time it takes to boot VMs on any other virtualization platform; public or private.
  • When BIG-IP starts, the VMs are booted sequentially; not in parallel. This means that it is not unusual for a vCMP host with many guests to take a long time (60+ minutes) to reboot and bring all the guests online. The BIG-IP chassis will be available before all vCMP guests are online.
  • For more information on using Ansible to manage F5 Networks devices see
  • Requires the f5-sdk Python package on the host. This is as easy as pip install f5-sdk.
  • Requires BIG-IP software version >= 12.
  • The F5 modules only manipulate the running configuration of the F5 product. To ensure that BIG-IP specific configuration persists to disk, be sure to include at least one task that uses the bigip_config module to save the running configuration. Refer to the module’s documentation for the correct usage of the module to save your running configuration.


- name: Create a vCMP guest
    name: foo
    password: secret
    state: present
    user: admin
    mgmt_network: bridge
  delegate_to: localhost

- name: Create a vCMP guest with specific VLANs
    name: foo
    password: secret
    state: present
    user: admin
    mgmt_network: bridge
      - vlan1
      - vlan2
  delegate_to: localhost

- name: Remove vCMP guest and disk
    name: guest1
    state: absent
    delete_virtual_disk: yes
  register: result

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:

Key Returned Description
The VLANs assigned to the vCMP guest, in their full path format.

['/Common/vlan1', '/Common/vlan2']


This module is flagged as stableinterface which means that the maintainers for this module guarantee that no backward incompatible interface changes will be made.


This module is flagged as certified which means that it is maintained by an Ansible Partner. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.

For a list of other modules that are also maintained by an Ansible Partner, see here.


  • Tim Rupp (@caphrim007)


If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.